Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Long back the austere mind was tagged
So long that no one remembered
Not even the one who had left it here
Until this day - when the austere mind finally decided
That now is the time to list why it is indeed weird!

1. A cricket maniac:
Ever since I knew who I am, I have been watching and playing cricket. Not many of my age would have started then. I have been following cricket for the past 16 years or so. There was not one moment when I lost interest in cricket. My love for cricket has matured. I watch matches irrespective of India wins or lose. I am prepared to take India’s losses the way I handled my failures in exams. But I do support India till the last ball. But if the opponent is an Australia or Pakistan, well I will go uncontrolled ;) A maniac indeed!

2. I believe in enjoying this very moment. Be it getting drenched in rain, playing cricket for hours together (ofcourse I need my share of bowling and batting ;) ), enjoying the cool breeze on a drive, chatting non-sense for hours together, … I don’t want to miss any of those

3. I give a lot of importance to individuality – a lot.

4. I won’t tell people to do things that I don’t do. And I abhor people who ask me to follow things that they don’t do.

5. I don’t build walls around myself but I would love others to respect my privacy as much as I do theirs. I stand by point 4 here. ;)

6. When I sleep, it’s pretty hard to wake me up. I don’t have the habit of scowling at phone calls that I get when I am asleep. I go to a state where I don’t even realize the phone ringing. I consider this as a blessing – not many are blessed with peaceful sleeps you see ;)

7. I make sure I don’t reveal much about me to everyone ;) Not everyone gets to know about this austere mind!

So there ends the list…

I hope I have served the purpose of this tag!

I wonder if I could tag another seven! But if you are interested in telling the world about yourself – why not tag yourself ;)

I shall try anyway :)


  1. yay! I am so glad u finally filled in the tag that too twice :P and true i forgot about it as well . . .And that is a excellent character sketch of yourself ... I have noticed all the 7 traits in u. .esp 1,5,6,7! all of them makes u , the wierd er unique u :P . .waiting for the next 7:)

  2. Interesting read! Does commenting equals getting tagged? :)

  3. Yess... Don't you know that? ;) Now I can't wait to read this tag from you! :)
